Jon Corzine We shouldn’t be so dependent on foreign oil. – Jon Corzine Dependent Quotes Foreign Quotes Oil Quotes It is my absolute intent to hold the line on taxes. If the Bush Administration cannot ensure Americans that they will be safe from the flu, how will they protect our country against a possible bio-terror or chemical attack? The American people deserve better.
Richard Mourdock I’m absolutely confident that the God that I worship abhors violence. – Richard Mourdock
Katie Pavlich The persecution of Christians isn’t isolated. Instead, it’s rampant and expanding around the world. – Katie Pavlich
Burnie Burns People think that if you get a lot of views, the ad truck just shows up at your front door. That’s just not true. – Burnie Burns
Michel Hazanavicius Sure, I watched a lot of Hollywood movies. Maybe I’ve seen more Hollywood movies than French movies. – Michel Hazanavicius
Phillip E Johnson According to the scientific naturalist version of cosmic history, nature is a permanently closed system of material effects that can never be influenced by something from outside – like God, for example. – Phillip E Johnson
Michael O'Rielly In the end, I am confident that we can revise our rules to provide necessary and appropriate flexibility for local broadcasters while preserving and/or improving the experience of those watching children’s programming. – Michael O’Rielly
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