Juan Guaido As president of the National Assembly, I am fully able and willing to assume the office of the presidency on an interim basis to call for free and fair elections. – Juan Guaido Assembly Quotes Assume Quotes Basis Quotes Elections Quotes Fair Quotes Interim Quotes National Quotes Office Quotes Presidency Quotes President Quotes Maduro has placed himself above the Constitution, but only the Venezuelan people can be above it. A pattern has developed under the Maduro regime. When pressure builds, the first recourse is to repress and persecute. I know this because buckshot pellets fired by members of the armed forces – at peaceful protesters in 2017 – remain lodged in my own body. A minor price to pay compared to the sacrifices made by some of my compatriots.
Jon Meacham One of the central memories of my childhood is of hunting – not well; I am a terrible shot – quail and dove and grouse on a farm on the Tennessee River. – Jon Meacham
Mark Ruffalo I remember riding my bike down the boardwalk with nowhere to go and looking at the girls. It was really innocent. – Mark Ruffalo
Jamie xx My uncle, who gave me my first turntables when I was ten, also gave me records to mix, but I never understood house music. I thought it was boring until I was old enough to go to a club and feel it, the fact that it actually makes you just want to dance. – Jamie xx
Kylie Jenner If you’re different, or if you think something about you is just weird and out of the ordinary, I just think that’s so dope. – Kylie Jenner
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