Julia Hartley-Brewer As a self-employed contractor who only gets paid if I turn up to work, I am painfully aware of the cost of a day at home. – Julia Hartley-Brewer Aware Quotes Contractor Quotes Cost Quotes Day Quotes Paid Quotes Painfully Quotes Selfemployed Quotes While it is couples who ‘are going to have a baby,’ miscarriages only happen to women. Yet the emotional trauma of the overwhelming sense of loss and grief affects both parents. Yes, we can control not getting pregnant with free and easily available contraception. But when it comes to getting pregnant when you want to, then Mother Nature has a lot more input than most of us would like to think.
Lydia Hearst I’m so fortunate to be marrying the man of my dreams. I knew that I was completely in love with him and he’s the love of my life, but who knew what the future held? Then he swept me off my feet and asked me to marry him. – Lydia Hearst
Jakob BohmePower The virtue of Love is nothing and all, or that Nothing visible out of which All Things proceed. Its power is through All Things; its height is as high as God; its greatness is as great as God. – Jakob Bohme
Grant Show You do need to maintain some of yourself and know who you are, but that doesn’t mean you can’t evolve. – Grant Show
Oliver North In uniform, I had to make judgments about the best course of action in combat when the only choices were ‘bad’ or ‘worse.’ As a member of the media, I only had to decide how to get the best ‘shot’ – preferably without getting shot. – Oliver North
Robert Eggers I grew up doing a lot of theater – acting and making sets and costumes. – Robert Eggers
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