K J Yesudas I didn’t learn music because I wanted to become famous or earn a lot of money. It was to follow my father’s advice and learn as much as I could about music. – K J Yesudas Advice Quotes Earn Quotes Famous Quotes Fathers Quotes Follow Quotes Learn Quotes Lot Quotes Money Quotes Music Quotes One piece of advice I often give young singers, including my son Vijay, is to not get sidetracked from their primary duty of learning music. This is the age of marketing and hard sell. Everybody wants instant results. But no amount of hard sell will prop you up if you don’t hone your craft. My father was a very popular singer and stage actor during his time, in the 1950s. But he didn’t take any formal lessons in music, which was probably why he insisted I study music so I could get a proper base and build a strong career in it.
Deepti Naval When people reach out to me and say they relate to me through my characters, that’s also a reward of a kind. – Deepti Naval
Carl Lewis I found the emotion that as an athlete you block out, and it really helped me to understand myself as a person. I’m a really emotional person and it helped make me a better person. – Carl Lewis
Ilan Stavans If a writer doesn’t do anything but give a new word to his language and, from there, maybe to other languages, I think that writer redefines the world. – Ilan Stavans
James Clapper I was a part of the decision-making in the Pentagon, when I was the undersecretary for intelligence, to start CYBERCOM, both as a sub-unified command and under a dual-hat arrangement. That was never intended to be permanent in any event. – James Clapper
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