Karen Handel I don’t want to see any taxpayer funding going towards… a couple that is not married. – Karen Handel Couple Quotes Funding Quotes Married Quotes Taxpayer Quotes I have a really hard time abiding by falsehoods being left in place. I think that for a child to be in a household… with a situation where the parents are not married, as in being one man and one woman, is not the best household for a child.
Megan Smith Thinking through how to make sure we’re bringing incredible toys and experiences and that to our girls and our boys at some point is really important for this country for the world in general. – Megan Smith
Noam Chomsky If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged. – Noam Chomsky
Nicholas Stoller I think the best romantic comedies are hard funny – no soft jokes, but ones that make you, like, guffaw. I also think that they have to make you feel good, ideally, and make you feel warm inside at the end. – Nicholas Stoller
Lawrence Eagleburger The whole nuclear thing is a terrible mess and it’s hard for me to understand why it is that we, the United States, seem to be the only ones that are really particularly concerned about it and prepared to do something. – Lawrence Eagleburger
Jonathan Scott At the end of the day, coming home to that one person that you know has your back, there’s no better feeling. – Jonathan Scott
Gillian Flynn A really great popcorn movie is extremely hard to pull off. A really great popcorn book is equally hard to pull off, so I don’t feel guilty devouring one. – Gillian Flynn
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