Ken Berry I like getting up when everyone else does and going home when everyone else does. – Ken Berry Quotes I love diving and motorcycling! If I try to impress a room-ful of guests by calling my answering service to see if there are any messages, they never understand my name. They think I am saying Kim Barry, and I have to repeat my name over and over.
Ninja It’s definitely clear, when you’re playing a game like ‘PUBG,’ there’s this realistic warzone feel that they’re going to get; there’s a little bit of blood – no gore – and you get that ‘Call of Duty’ war feeling. – Ninja
Craig Ferguson Late night is no different than making a film, really, except that it’s faster, and if you do a crap one, you can do a better one tomorrow. Writing a novel and doing stand-up – that stuff is very similar. – Craig Ferguson
Craig McCracken We chose the actors thru a series of auditions when we started the show. – Craig McCracken
Burt RutanSpace With any luck, by the time NASA’s space probe hits Pluto, you’ll be booking a spaceflight with a privately run suborbital airline. – Burt Rutan
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