Kenny Beats I had to learn how to bring the best outta Key! by learning what’s going on with him. That’s how I approach every artist I work with, period. – Kenny Beats Approach Quotes Artist Quotes Bring Quotes Key Quotes Learn Quotes Learning Quotes Outta Quotes Period Quotes I was working for Johnny Shipes in New York when I was 17 years old, getting beats off. The real producers back in the day didn’t sit there and play every single instrument. They made sure the record had the best performance out of everyone involved possible.
Charo I love audiences. They are my oxygen. I only breathe with audience. When I’m alone, I am normally a miserable you-know-what. – Charo
Andrew Bird There is something comforting about going into a practice room, putting your sheet music on a stand and playing Bach over and over again. – Andrew Bird
Cherie BlairHome I am not Superwoman. The reality of my daily life is that I’m juggling a lot of balls in the air trying to be a good wife and mother, trying to be the prime-ministerial consort at home and abroad, barrister and charity worker, and sometimes one of the balls gets dropped. – Cherie Blair
FitnessNaomi Osaka What makes me relaxed is the fact that I know I’ve put in a lot of time during the offseason on my fitness. – Naomi Osaka
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