Kenny G I’m very serious about what I do. I practice every day for three hours. I work on my scales; I work on my tone. But otherwise, I like to have fun. – Kenny G Day Quotes Fun Quotes Hours Quotes Practice Quotes Scales Quotes Tone Quotes If you go to Tiananmen Square, or go to any public area in China, you will hear my music at some point. I was really amazed when I started hearing ‘Songbird’ on the radio. I couldn’t believe that the record company promotion department had actually convinced radio music directors to play it -because there wasn’t anything like it on the radio at the time.
Maynard James Keenan I would hope they would be our fellow artists, rather than trying to emulate or idolize clowns like us. – Maynard James Keenan
Emmanuelle Beart It is not easy to grow old in this business, when you are a woman above all, in the cinema. – Emmanuelle Beart
Meagan Tandy When I was a kid, I’d create my own movies at home. I’d record myself doing a scene, then stop the camera, change my clothes, and do a scene as another character. It sounds silly, but I just loved to tell stories. – Meagan Tandy
Ezra Klein When you’re trying to come up with a good approach to reporting on the bleeding edge of where the conversation’s moving, you’re just leaving a lot of people who aren’t on the bleeding edge of that conversation out. – Ezra Klein
Owen Paterson I was perhaps about 10 years old when a local farmer rang us up to say he had found a young badger and would we take it in. So we did; it was a female called Bessy and she lived in the boiler room. She was extremely intelligent, had a very low opinion of cats but loved the dogs. She was pretty well trained; she went in the car. – Owen Paterson
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