Laurell K Hamilton Here’s the secret to finishing that first book. Don’t rewrite as you go. – Laurell K Hamilton Book Quotes Finishing Quotes Rewrite Quotes Secret Quotes Perfection is an unattainable goal. It isn’t going to be perfect. Just get words down on paper, and when you stumble to what you think is the end of the book, you will have hundreds of pages of words that came out of your head. It may not be perfect, but it looks like a book. I’ve lost track of the number of people who want to be writers but never actually write anything. Talking about writing, dreaming about writing, can be very fun, but it won’t get a book written. You’ve got to write.
Eric Davis I was able to get operated on four days after I was diagnosed. It was just a matter of getting this baseball-sized tumor out of me. I reflect now on how lucky I was to be in the situation where I could get the best possible help and treatment. – Eric Davis
Megan Amram I think very long and hard about every possibly offensive joke I want to make. I really hate mean humor and would hate to make anyone reading my jokes feel truly bad. – Megan Amram
Alexa Chung Often, I do translatlantic overnight flights from New York, and when I land, I have to do my eyes – I feel weird without it. – Alexa Chung
James A Forbes My church has an historical emphasis on peace, but we can’t enjoy peace without honoring the blood our soldiers shed for it. – James A Forbes
Lily James I really want to play interesting roles, but you want to work, so it’s a balancing game. – Lily James
MusicPablo Casals Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart. – Pablo Casals
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