Len Wein I’ve never sat down and thought about the difference between plot and theme. To me, that’s never been important. – Len Wein Difference Quotes Plot Quotes Sat Quotes Theme Quotes In these litigious times, if you’re a beginner, it’s becoming harder and harder to get your work to the people who might actually be able to hire you. I’ve always thought of myself as an organic writer, rather than a cerebral one. I feel my way along as I go, hoping I’ll get to the place I intend to reach.
Georges Duhamel Let us lose none of their humble words, let us note their slightest gestures, and tell me, tell me that we will think of them together, now and later, when we realise the misery of the times and the magnitude of their sacrifice. – Georges Duhamel
Eduardo Galeano It’s a difficult competition against silence, because silence is a perfect language, the only language which says with no words. – Eduardo Galeano
Pat Roberts We need to continue our full support of the nascent Iraqi government by helping to rebuild their economic infrastructure and maintain security while training the Iraqi security forces. – Pat Roberts
Marsha Blackburn Some people like to drive a Ford, not a Ferrari, and some people like to drink out of a red Solo cup, not out of a crystal stem. – Marsha Blackburn
Aaron Paul I was very driven in high school. I worked a bunch of odd jobs. I never partied. I never drank. I was just a theater geek who was obsessed with movies. – Aaron Paul
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