Lenny Henry The idea of giving your talent for free in order to save lives seemed like the most sensible thing anyone’s ever suggested. – Lenny Henry Anyones Quotes Idea Quotes Lives Quotes Save Quotes Suggested Quotes Talent Quotes Corden’s a comedy powerhouse. I haven’t got an exact number for my carbon footprint although if it’s anywhere near my normal footprint it’ll be size 13 wide.
George AllenSr The street to obscurity is paved with athletes who can perform great feats before friendly crowds. – George Allen, Sr
Patricia Heaton You kind of think people get sick of you after a while, but apparently not. – Patricia Heaton
Anna QuindlenPoetry There is little premium in poetry in a world that thinks of Pound and Whitman as a weight and a sampler, not an Ezra, a Walt, a thing of beauty, a joy forever. – Anna Quindlen
Susan Hill Love has an enormous number of connotations, and if somebody is a person who does kind acts as a way of life, if they are generally disposed to being caring and loving and doing things for other people, then kindness is a much stronger word than we make it out to be. – Susan Hill
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