Leo Tolstoy Man lives consciously for himself, but is an unconscious instrument in the attainment of the historic, universal, aims of humanity. – Leo Tolstoy Aims Quotes Attainment Quotes Consciously Quotes Historic Quotes Humanity Quotes Instrument Quotes Lives Quotes Unconscious Quotes Universal Quotes We must not only cease our present desire for the growth of the state, but we must desire its decrease, its weakening. War on the other hand is such a terrible thing, that no man, especially a Christian man, has the right to assume the responsibility of starting it.
Asia Kate Dillon I see reflections of what I love about myself in the love and care I receive from my friends, family, and co-workers who, in turn, allow me to love and care about them. – Asia Kate Dillon
John Caudwell I’m in the lucky position that I can help a huge amount of people. It’s a great privilege and freedom to have. – John Caudwell
Hari Kondabolu The words we use have weight. Whether it’s in a conversation with a friend or something said publicly on stage or broadcast. And as performers, we know that because that’s why we choose the words we use – that’s the whole point of comedy. – Hari Kondabolu
Anderson Cooper I’m concerned about heart disease. I’ve raised money to fight heart disease; my dad died of it. – Anderson Cooper
Richard Harris I often sit back and think, I wish I’d done that, and find out later that I already have. – Richard Harris
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