Leon Kass Limits have to be set on how far one can simply use the… cleverness that we have to make changes. – Leon Kass Cleverness Quotes Limits Quotes Set Quotes Simply Quotes Many people recognize that technology often comes with unintended and undesirable side effects. It’s a short step from the belief that every child should be wanted to the belief that a child exists to satisfy our wants.
Paul Polman Around the world, businesses and investors are increasingly taking action to climate-proof their own organizations. – Paul Polman
Natti Natasha I got to know myself in the sense that I like to do songs with no filter. I’m not afraid of saying things that are real. – Natti Natasha
Gerard Way Life is very, very short, and you can choose to live it how you want. You can choose to dumb yourself down and not express yourself just so you can fit in, just so people won’t dislike you. – Gerard Way
Peter Scolari Nothing’s hipper than leaving the set of ‘Girls’ in Brooklyn and having a teamster drop you off at your Broadway show. – Peter Scolari
T J Oshie One thing you get from success is confidence. And confidence can go a long way for a young guy. – T J Oshie
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