Leslie Nielsen I played a lot of leaders, autocratic sorts; perhaps it was my Canadian accent. – Leslie Nielsen Accent Quotes Autocratic Quotes Canadian Quotes Leaders Quotes Lot Quotes Played Quotes Sorts Quotes The reason they call it ‘golf’ is that all the other 4 letter words were used up. There were 15 people in the village, including five of us. If my father arrested somebody in the winter, he’d have to wait until the thaw to turn him in.
Rory McIlroy It’s incredible, ridiculous really, isn’t it? You realise you can make more money on the golf tour in one week than some people make in a lifetime. – Rory McIlroy
Angela Rayner I’m the only member of the house, who at age 16, and pregnant, was told in no uncertain terms, I’d never amount to anything. – Angela Rayner
Abdul Qadeer Khan It is a dire need for our young scientists to be proficient in running and using their lab equipment rather than depending on their assistants or workers. Once they learn how to use every lab equipment, their scientific career is likely to progress smoothly. – Abdul Qadeer Khan
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