Les Dawson My mother-in-law fell down a wishing well. I was amazed; I never knew they worked. – Les Dawson Amazed Quotes Fell Quotes Motherinlaw Quotes Wishing Quotes I’m not saying my mother didn’t like me, but she kept looking for loopholes in my birth certificate. I need to give affection and love, because without that, I wither. I need to give that love to someone. Without that, I’m rudderless.
MenThomas Hardy It is difficult for a woman to define her feelings in language which is chiefly made by men to express theirs. – Thomas Hardy
John Rhys-Davies I used to fly airplanes myself, so being above the ground doesn’t worry me too much. – John Rhys-Davies
Denise MorrisonLeadership I think leadership is service and there is power in that giving: to help people, to inspire and motivate them to reach their fullest potential. – Denise Morrison
Joey Barton I see pundits on the box, saying kids will watch ‘Match of the Day’ and copy what they see, but if you tell your children to live their lives exactly as they see footballers on the telly doing it, you must be a bit of an idiot. – Joey Barton
John Delaney Using static scoring, tax cuts are broadly assumed to ‘cost’ a raw amount of reduced revenue. With dynamic scoring, the new revenue likely to flow from increased economic activity produced by a tax cut is considered, improving the accuracy of the projection. – John Delaney
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