Lindsey Buckingham When I work alone, my process is like painting. With Fleetwood Mac, it’s more like movie making. – Lindsey Buckingham Fleetwood Quotes Mac Quotes Movie Quotes Painting Quotes Process Quotes When Stevie and I joined the band, we were in the midst of breaking up, as were John and Christine. By the time Rumours was being recorded, things got worse in terms of psychology and drug use. It was a large exercise in denial – in order for me to get work done. When I work alone, it can be like dabbling with a canvas. Maybe you paint over bits, and it starts to form its own life and lead you off in a direction. It becomes an intuitive, subconscious process.
Ronnie Wood Songs are out there – they’re waiting to be grabbed. I start with a phrase, musical and lyrical, words like ‘I don’t think so’ and a nice riff. It rolls from there. – Ronnie Wood
Nick Nolte All American males are failed athletes, and it was big time even if it was Little League. It meant a lot to you. – Nick Nolte
Herman Kahn Deterrence itself is not a preeminent value; the primary values are safety and morality. – Herman Kahn
Dianne Feinstein There’s no reason to think a Guantanamo detainee is any more likely to escape from Supermax than any other federal prisoner. – Dianne Feinstein
Chevy Chase My father was the funniest guy I ever met. I’m not sure if I stole his stuff or if I inherited it. – Chevy Chase
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