Lisa Kristine Around the world, human traffickers trick many people into slavery by false promises of good jobs or good education, only to find themselves forced to work without pay, under the threat of violence. – Lisa Kristine Education Quotes Forced Quotes Human Quotes Jobs Quotes Pay Quotes People Quotes Promises Quotes Slavery Quotes Threat Quotes Traffickers Quotes Trick Quotes Violence Quotes In 2009, at the Vancouver Peace Summit, I met a supporter of Free the Slaves, an NGO dedicated to eradicating modern-day slavery; weeks later, I flew down to Los Angeles and met with the director of Free the Slaves; thus began my journey into exploring modern-day slavery. I see myself as a witness to humanity.
Euny Hong As I found again and again as a writer, when you’re completely honest about something, people respond to that. – Euny Hong
Arjun Mathur As for actors, I would say if you believe in yourself and if you feel that you have something special in you that you would like to share with the world, then you must go for it. But at the same time be prepared for a lot of hurdles because there are no road maps here. – Arjun Mathur
Michael Specter If there is anything more frightening than the threat of global nuclear war, it is the certainty that humans not only stand on the verge of producing new life forms but may soon be able to tinker with them as if they were vintage convertibles or bonsai trees. – Michael Specter
David Sanborn I became a musician because I love music, and that is what has sustained me; it’s not because I thought it was a great way to make a living. Music saved my life. – David Sanborn
Jessica Mendoza If I’m saying something with an intelligent background, then at least it is creating conversation. Whether that conversation is people agreeing or disagreeing, I’m happy. – Jessica Mendoza
Bobby Rush The single moment when I knew that I had to get busy and do more was around the death of my son. – Bobby Rush
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