Lolly Adefope I’ve learned to adapt to a situation, to make the best of it. – Lolly Adefope Adapt Quotes Learned Quotes Situation Quotes I think sometimes as an actor your career and life are kind of dependent on other people’s decisions, what other people tell you, what time other people tell you to get up in the morning, what lines people tell you to say. There was a point when I was doing loads of shows that weren’t getting a series two and I was like, ‘One day, I’ll be in a show that comes back.’
Allan McNish I try to get away from the pits as quickly as I can. I speak to my engineer when I get out of the car, usually there’s some press to do, then I will go off and have a shower and get my dry, clean overalls and clothing on. I’ll have a massage, stretch and something to eat. I don’t sleep, but I try to close my eyes for a while. – Allan McNish
Cesar Chavez Who gets the risks? The risks are given to the consumer, the unsuspecting consumer and the poor work force. And who gets the benefits? The benefits are only for the corporations, for the money makers. – Cesar Chavez
Cecil Taylor I discovered very early that it wasn’t quite enough for me to imitate people. – Cecil Taylor
Julia Roberts Let’s get a couple of things straight. It hasn’t been years and years since I made a movie. I’m not coming back from the dead – I’ve just had two kids! I have no intention of retiring, but I do think it’s impossible to do movie after movie, because there aren’t that many good films made. – Julia Roberts
Mario Vargas Llosa My three years in politics was very instructive about the way in which the appetite for political power can destroy a human mind, destroy principles and values, and transform people into little monsters. – Mario Vargas Llosa
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