Luanne Rice I am honored to have had two Hallmark Hall of Fame Productions made from my novels – ‘Silver Bells’ and ‘Follow the Stars Home.’ – Luanne Rice Bells Quotes Fame Quotes Follow Quotes Hall Quotes Hallmark Quotes Honored Quotes Novels Quotes Productions Quotes Silver Quotes Stars Quotes During one new moon at perigee, I stood on high ground, watching salt ponds overflow, cover the beach, and meet the ocean. Because the moon was invisible, the water was black as it drowned the sand, and the event felt primal – which in fact it was, because it was nature. Hallmark makes beautiful films that feel as if they should be watched in a theater. The Hall family knows the power of stories, and they give us unforgettable movies with heart and depth and the resonance of classics.
Dita Von Teese I prefer the competitive atmosphere of a classroom setting, like yoga or Pilates. That keeps me going. Although performing on stage is great exercise! – Dita Von Teese
Michael Frayn Everything is as it was, I discover when I reach my destination, and everything has changed. – Michael Frayn
Katharine Viner As editor, I think we need to act more decisively on what kind of material appears on the ‘Guardian’. Those who argue that this is an affront to freedom of speech miss the point. That freedom counts for little if it is used to silence others. – Katharine Viner
Cressida Dick One of the things that I feel very blessed about is that I was given a fair amount of confidence as a young person and I constantly meet young people, even today, maybe even more today, when it is clearly not a given that they will have a reasonable amount of confidence. – Cressida Dick
Alok Sharma From the radio and the world wide web, to the steam engine and penicillin, for generations the U.K. has been a world-leader in science and research. – Alok Sharma
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