Lucy Walker Some documentaries are made by people who are driven more by one particular story, or have different backgrounds or ambitions, but I’m always looking for projects that let me be the best filmmaker I can be, and to be stretched and grow further. – Lucy Walker Ambitions Quotes Backgrounds Quotes Documentaries Quotes Driven Quotes Filmmaker Quotes Grow Quotes People Quotes Projects Quotes Story Quotes Stretched Quotes I don’t know if people realize how hard I work, because sometimes people ask me for my secret. The truth is that I don’t have any secrets apart from the fact that I’ve been directing theater and film for twenty years and trying at every stage to make my work better. I love making fiction films as well as nonfiction ones, and hope to keep challenging myself to make better and better work.
Origen For whatever be the knowledge which we are able to obtain of God, either by perception or reflection, we must of necessity believe that He is by many degrees far better than what we perceive Him to be. – Origen
Kevin Kwan To me, families are fascinating. I choose to explore it through comedy and through comic situations. – Kevin Kwan
Ryan Bader My whole style of wrestling is I like to use the truck double. It’s basically a tackle for MMA. – Ryan Bader
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