Lucy McBath It is my solemn duty to be an ally to the trans community. – Lucy McBath Ally Quotes Community Quotes Duty Quotes Solemn Quotes Trans Quotes Stand-your-ground laws are a favorite of the NRA gun lobby and their push to weaken our nation’s gun laws. Marginalized Americans should not be defined by the verbal and physical violence that looms over our heads. We have a right to exist, to live as we choose and to be free to pursue our happiness without the fear of others demonizing us or harming us just because of who we are.
Charles Bradley I lived in the streets for three years when I was a kid, and every day, I didn’t know where my next meal would come from. – Charles Bradley
Mustafa Ali There were days I’d wrestle at 9 o’clock, and afterward, I often didn’t shower and would just throw on sweatpants. I had my police gear in the car and would rush to get to the station by 10:30, clean myself off as best I could, and be ready for my shift by 10:59. – Mustafa Ali
John Carter Cash To me, those are the greatest treasures – the personal letters between my parents. – John Carter Cash
Henry Markram The brain builds a version of the universe and projects this version of the universe like a bubble all around us. So I can say with some certainty, ‘I think therefore I am.’ But I cannot say, ‘You think therefore you are,’ because you are within my perceptual bubble. – Henry Markram
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