Ludwig Wittgenstein A philosophical problem has the form: I don’t know my way about. – Ludwig Wittgenstein Form Quotes Philosophical Quotes Logic must look after itself. In a certain sense, we cannot make mistakes in logic. The common behavior of mankind is the system of reference by means of which we interpret an unknown language.
CommunicationPhyllis Smith In today’s world, everyone’s so clued into their iPhones, and communication is going by the wayside as far as one-on-one is concerned. It’s very seldom that I walk into a room and parents make their children say hello and have a social grace with one another. – Phyllis Smith
Felicity Huffman Beauty can make you powerful in a way that isn’t good for you. Being OK is better for the person I have become. – Felicity Huffman
Paul Krugman As I’ve often said, you can shop online and find whatever you’re looking for, but bookstores are where you find what you weren’t looking for. – Paul Krugman
Haider al-Abadi We can make sacrifices to fight Islamic State, but the international coalition has to support us. – Haider al-Abadi
Ingmar Bergman People ask what are my intentions with my films – my aims. It is a difficult and dangerous question, and I usually give an evasive answer: I try to tell the truth about the human condition, the truth as I see it. This answer seems to satisfy everyone, but it is not quite correct. – Ingmar Bergman
James L Petigru The pulse of the People is still so high as to call for more bleeding, before quinine can be administered with any hope of benefit. – James L Petigru
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