Lydia Millet You need not fear my extinction. Fear my proliferation! I’ve already reproduced! – Lydia Millet Extinction Quotes Fear Quotes Proliferation Quotes Reproduced Quotes I think that young readers have very strong stomachs. Both climate change and extinction are results of our tyranny over the nonhuman world and our domination of, and exploitation of, whole categories of each other – and those, in turn, are clearly linked to agriculture, the cattle-industrial complex, capitalism.
Don McCullin Every street in London has a camera, and if you ever travel up the M4, it feels as if George Orwell should be your chauffeur. – Don McCullin
Lou Barlow If you put heavy, regular classic guitar strings on a baritone ukulele, it gets pretty low. It has a really nice, low, warm feel to it. – Lou Barlow
Ken Russell Films are hard to make and I think the word indulge really leads one to believe that it’s an easy sort of business and it’s really extremely difficult. – Ken Russell
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