Maeve Binchy I didn’t have a sweet tooth, but I liked butter, and I liked sauces, and I liked wine… and curry… and cheeses. – Maeve Binchy Butter Quotes Cheeses Quotes Curry Quotes Sauces Quotes Sweet Quotes Tooth Quotes Wine Quotes We have to make our own happiness, and we have to make our own decisions and play the hand that is dealt to us. I remember watching myself on video and being so disappointed with myself because I was constantly moving around the place and laughing. I thought, ‘I must be so much louder than I think I am. From inside it feels fine.’
Mario Balotelli To play in atmospheres that are intense is when I play my best football. – Mario Balotelli
Charlotte Flair Anyone can enjoy a wrestling match, but it’s how you feel about that person that takes it to another level. – Charlotte Flair
FriendshipRochelle Aytes Mistresses’ is about the lives of four women, each going through different versions of infidelity. Their longtime friendship is what gets them through extremely challenging times. – Rochelle Aytes
Oren Etzioni A.I. should not be weaponized, and any A.I. must have an impregnable ‘off switch.’ – Oren Etzioni
Jimmy O Yang I think in China they have a camera for every street corner, and if you jaywalk, they don’t give you a ticket. They put you on the big TV screen to shame you. – Jimmy O Yang
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