Marc Veasey There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud during the 2016 elections or any relatively recent election. – Marc Veasey Election Quotes Elections Quotes Evidence Quotes Fraud Quotes Voter Quotes Widespread Quotes As the lead plaintiff in Veasey v. Abbott, I’m proud of our fight and the progress made. There are some policemen who overuse force, especially when there’s an African-American involved, regardless of age.
Gabriel Basso Rarely do you walk down the street doing anything that my grandparent’s generation did. And half of that comes with the technology advances. – Gabriel Basso
AloneJohn Berger That we find a crystal or a poppy beautiful means that we are less alone, that we are more deeply inserted into existence than the course of a single life would lead us to believe. – John Berger
Robert Patrick You don’t buy a Harley with your mind, you buy it with your heart and your balls. – Robert Patrick
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