Margarita Simonyan The disgusting truth is that some of the less-educated families in the Caucasus hate and despise Russians simply because they are Russian, just as some less-educated Russian families feel the same way about people from the Caucasus. – Margarita Simonyan Caucasus Quotes Despise Quotes Disgusting Quotes Families Quotes Feel Quotes Hate Quotes Lesseducated Quotes People Quotes Russian Quotes Russians Quotes Simply Quotes Truth Quotes America had Russia wrapped around it little pinky through the whole ’90s. We did everything you told us. And we were eager to do more and more. The whole nation – Russian nation was like, ‘Tell us what else we can do to please you. We want to be like you. We love you.’ And then in 1999, bam. You bomb Yugoslavia. And that was the end of it. RT did not support Trump.
Howard Rheingold Mindfulness means being aware of how you’re deploying your attention and making decisions about it, and not letting the tweet or the buzzing of your BlackBerry call your attention. – Howard Rheingold
Nick Hanauer Business people do two things with their time fundamentally. The first is that they try to create sales, right? Revenue, key to business. But the other thing they devote their time to equally is cost containment. That is to say, how to not create jobs. Because the fewer jobs you can create for the revenue you create, the more profit you make. – Nick Hanauer
Jen Kirkman As a woman of a certain age – and really, ever since I hit puberty and my baby-making parts were suddenly subject to public debate – I’ve been told over and over again that I will ‘change my mind’ about not wanting kids. – Jen Kirkman
Douglas Hodge It’s pretty hard to play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ with someone and not fall in love. – Douglas Hodge
Chris HarrisJr The letters I get from people, a lot of people are very appreciative. I get stacks of letters. I’ll do an event, and all the kids will send me all kinds of letters, and that right there is enough motivation to keep doing it. – Chris Harris, Jr
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