Marie-Chantal Claire I knew I was artistic, and I wanted to do something in the arts. – Marie-Chantal Claire Artistic Quotes Arts Quotes I always did healthy things. I didn’t sit around in nightclubs. Sure, I had my fair share of fun, but no one could ever accuse me of being a dilettante and doing nothing. I was always on this unbelievable quest to go and do. I’m a third-culture child. It’s an interesting concept. Having an American father, a South American mother, born in England, grew up in Hong Kong, went to school in Europe – it makes me a third-culture child, which means you take on the culture of the place where you live. So I’m very adaptable.
David Tennant Animation is a fascinating area from an acting point of view because it’s not really like anything else because you are only providing a portion of the performance. That’s very inspiring and it forces you to do things in a different way – to tell stories through your voice. – David Tennant
Chris Mullin In the recovery world, it’s a higher power that helps you. You have to turn your life over to something greater. Anytime I tried to control my life, I had screwed it up. – Chris Mullin
Michael Penn It’s quite different writing for films and for myself. You have to help guide a scene along emotionally, and the wrong approach can just be deadly. – Michael Penn
Susan Rosenberg I’ve done everything I know in my heart on every level to take responsibility for what I think I have to. I’m not going to take responsibility for something the government thinks that I should because they think I should. – Susan Rosenberg
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