Marissa Mayer I think that there is a generational change, where new generations that have grown up always having access to the internet have a somewhat different view in terms of personal information and what needs to be kept private. – Marissa Mayer Access Quotes Change Quotes Generational Quotes Generations Quotes Grown Quotes Internet Quotes Personal Quotes Private Quotes Terms Quotes View Quotes I think that ultimately over time we really should strive for a place where most information is available online and is searchable. I could imagine, some number of years from now, starting my own company. But not yet. Not for a while.
Nikki Reed I have friends come over and we read plays out loud and I make paintings and I just do things all the time just so I don’t ever feel like I’m sitting around. – Nikki Reed
Ayanna Pressley I have been really furious about the constant charges being lobbed against me about identity politics that, by the way, are only lobbed against women and candidates of color. – Ayanna Pressley
Neil Young When you’re young, you don’t have any experience – you’re charged up, but you’re out of control. And if you’re old and you’re not charged up, then all you have is memories. But if you’re charged and stimulated by what’s going on around you, and you also have experience, you know what to appreciate and what to pass by. – Neil Young
Jess Phillips Ah, well, I do think the generation that came after me has changed. I think there is a growing sense that young women should like themselves a bit more. – Jess Phillips
Roy Price In tech-land, no one cares what kind of car you drive, and frankly, they’re not going to find out anyway. You’re not going to go to lunch together, because you’re going to be sitting in your cube with a brown bag eating lunch. – Roy Price
Jodi Kantor First ladies, you know, we look at Michelle Obama, and we look at most first ladies, and they seem like they have it all. You know, they live in the White House, they go to state dinners, they ride on Air Force One, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. But first ladies do often feel that they are given short shrift or forgotten or left at the margins. – Jodi Kantor
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