Mark Meadows Unfortunately, Democrats don’t want to wage a war on poverty or improve program integrity; they prefer talking points. – Mark Meadows Democrats Quotes Improve Quotes Integrity Quotes Poverty Quotes Prefer Quotes Program Quotes Talking Quotes Wage Quotes War Quotes Can we have a serious conversation about improving the integrity of our poverty programs in this country? It’s the oldest trick in Washington – when presented with a policy solution you don’t like, characterize it as the bogeyman.
Nicola Walker I get quite fearful about interviews, so I sought advice from other actors. – Nicola Walker
Nathan FielderScienceTeacher I loved theatre and did magic, too, but I was never the best at it – there was never a teacher saying, ‘You’re great, you have to make this your career!’ I was good at science and math. I figured I’d go into science and become a dentist. – Nathan Fielder
Keith Coogan I cuss like a sailor; I smoked cigarettes for many years but quit and have never looked back; also, I ride a motorcycle… in Los Angeles… so there ya go. – Keith Coogan
Francisco Costa Rio was a period of my life, and then, poof, I’m gone. I was very young living here, just kind of floating. New York was a foundation for everything I do today. Rio was the bridge. – Francisco Costa
Pauline Collins Certainly, I, as an audience, am stricken with terror if I see only two people onstage. And one person, I think, is even harder for people to take. – Pauline Collins
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