Martina Navratilova When I worked with Billie Jean King and Craig Kardon, and we would be working on something, Billie would show up and say, ‘What about this?’ Neither one of us had seen it. – Martina Navratilova Billie Quotes Craig Quotes Jean Quotes Kardon Quotes King Quotes I’ve given many lessons in many sports over the years to many different people. My life is very well managed. I have a lot on my plate, and at the same time, there were still holes, and what I do and where I am dovetails nicely with what Agnieszka needs. I don’t think I could be a coach for a Madison Keys because she needs somebody more hands-on. But Agnieszka is almost a finished product.
Nobuo Uematsu It was very difficult to startle or surprise someone with a particular sound during the family computer era. – Nobuo Uematsu
Steven Adler When I was growing up, you would put on a KISS record or a UFO or Aerosmith record and listen to it from the first song through the last song. It’s been so long since a band has put out a record like that. – Steven Adler
Annamie Paul We believe that we can win seats with integrity, with good public policy, with evidence-based public policy and that’s what it’s about for me. – Annamie Paul
Elayne Boosler When I was growing up in comedy, there were maybe 10 comics in the whole country. Everyone had a day job. You worked free for years in little clubs, then you got your big break and became a star. – Elayne Boosler
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