Matt Taibbi Prop trading’ is just a fancy term for banks gambling in the market for their own profit. – Matt Taibbi Banks Quotes Fancy Quotes Gambling Quotes Market Quotes Profit Quotes Prop Quotes Term Quotes Trading Quotes Obviously the commercial news media tries to get you worked up and terrified so you’ll buy products that they’re advertising. In America, it takes about two weeks in the limelight for the whole country to think you’ve been around for years.
Chrissy Metz So much of the mainstream media has taught us what beauty is, but everyone is beautiful. – Chrissy Metz
AttitudeJudith DurhamPositive When you, like if you sing a song and it gets into your brain that it becomes, it repeats and repeats like an affirmation so I find that quite empowering and quite important to keep my positive attitude to life. – Judith Durham
Ta-Nehisi Coates There are plenty of African-Americans in this country – and I would say this goes right up to the White House – who are not by any means poor, but are very much afflicted by white supremacy. – Ta-Nehisi Coates
Dirk Benedict America is terrified of the passage of time. Prozac Nation. Land of Face Lifts. – Dirk Benedict
David Korten But in the past, US companies have been able to increase their profits through downsizing in the US, through colonizing other people’s resources, and through the increase of globalization. – David Korten
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