Max Hastings I would be miserable if I went to bed without having written 1,000 words about something. – Max Hastings Bed Quotes Miserable Quotes Written Quotes A Tory government with a decent mandate seems the only hope of tackling the fiscal catastrophe responsibly.
Rob Pilatus With Milli Vanilli, we felt more like bimbos, the bimbos of the music industry, and we didn’t want to be the bimbos anymore. – Rob Pilatus
Mike Budenholzer Playing unselfish basketball is a core component of our basketball culture and high assist totals are a great indicator that we are playing the right way. – Mike Budenholzer
Christopher Atkins Brooke was special in the sense that we grew up together on that island. – Christopher Atkins
Paul Craig Roberts Paul Krugman, a professor at MIT and a consultant to the IMF, the World Bank, the United Nations, and the Trilateral Commission, is certainly a member of the establishment. – Paul Craig Roberts
EqualityJenny Shipley Equality and development will not be achieved however if peace is not understood from women’s’ point of view. – Jenny Shipley
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