Mel B I’m always down for a Spice Girls reunion. I love the Scary hair and platforms. Any time of day or night I’ll be there. – Mel B Day Quotes Girls Quotes Hair Quotes Love Quotes Night Quotes Platforms Quotes Reunion Quotes Scary Quotes Spice Quotes Time Quotes I collect art. I just recently bought two gorgeous photographs of Marilyn Monroe by international photographer Eve Arnold and I know it sounds horrible but when she dies all her pictures are going to be worth triple. But I won’t tell you how much I got them for – let’s just say it was a lot. I’ve always said that kids should enhance your life, not hinder your life, so I just try to make the most out of being with my kids. You have to have a life for yourself somewhere in the mix of being a wife and mum.
David Henry Hwang I am almost famous in China, because I have that Broadway cachet. – David Henry Hwang
Mandy Harvey There is a lot of technology out there that can help people with hearing loss including wearable technology that vibrates. – Mandy Harvey
Arlo Parks I really wanted to have a name that was double-barreled. I think at the time I was listening to a lot of Odd Future – like Earl Sweatshirt and Frank Ocean – and I wanted my name to have a ring to it. – Arlo Parks
Pete Seeger I came along and was a teenager in the Depression, and nobody had jobs. So I went out hitchhiking, when I met a man named Woody Guthrie. He was the single biggest part of my education. – Pete Seeger
Geoffrey Canada Convincing people to give your way a try will work if you neutralize – and sometimes you have to cauterize – the ones who really are against change. They’re the kind of person who, if you tell them it’s raining outside, they’ll fight you tooth and nail. – Geoffrey Canada
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