Melissa Etheridge I am a songwriter. I do get to put my personal experiences in song. – Melissa Etheridge Experiences Quotes Personal Quotes Song Quotes Songwriter Quotes I have found that I’m just political just by being who I am. Our great Constitution challenges us to grow constantly.
ChristmasJoe Green Without social networks, you’re not the coolest thing on the Christmas list, and you’re not getting any bite. – Joe Green
Max Baucus We won’t sit idly by when a crime is committed in the real world. So why should we when it happens in cyber space? – Max Baucus
Jimmy KimmelScience Almost half our representatives in Washington apparently know more about science than our scientists. Or they pretend to, because big corporations give them a lot of money to make sure they can keep doing the destructive things that they do. – Jimmy Kimmel
Aditya Narayan I am not a person who would show-off assets like my house, cars and holidays. – Aditya Narayan
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