Menander When at a loss about something, go and take counsel by yourself. For in the midst of shouting, the advantageous course is not to be seen, but as one reasons with oneself, it shines out clear. – Menander Advantageous Quotes Counsel Quotes Loss Quotes Midst Quotes Oneself Quotes Reasons Quotes Shines Quotes Shouting Quotes Let bravery be thy choice, but not bravado. Whom the gods love dies young.
Marvin Hagler Sitting here now today, I can forgive a lot of the English people because it only takes a hand full of bad people to do something stupid like that and it can make the whole country look bad. – Marvin Hagler
Pierre Nanterme Digital companies can reach new customers immediately and at virtually zero marginal cost. They can compete in new sectors by collaborating with peers and competitors. They can massively improve quality and productivity by converging technologies and sources of data. – Pierre Nanterme
Logan Green Lyft Line is our biggest step in bringing down prices… We’ve been thinking about this ever since we launched Lyft. We always intended to do it. – Logan Green
Cody Simpson I write about everything that happens in my life, whether or not the songs actually are released or not. – Cody Simpson
James Buckley I was fitting kitchens before I could afford not to – so I was still fitting kitchens whilst the first series of The Inbetweeners was coming out. – James Buckley
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