Michael Giacchino I like to write a piece of music that reflects how I felt about a film as opposed to, here’s this action scene; here’s this set piece. – Michael Giacchino Action Quotes Film Quotes Music Quotes Opposed Quotes Piece Quotes Reflects Quotes Scene Quotes Set Quotes Write Quotes I love percussive instrumentation. It wasn’t until high school that I actually started writing. I was in a lot of the school plays and musicals, and there was a lot of down time during rehearsals. I would go into the orchestra pit and mess around on the grand piano.
Glenn Gould Perhaps the most important thing that technology does is free the listener to participate in ways that in all previous periods of listening were governed by the performer. – Glenn Gould
Asim Chaudhry Unfortunately in our industry, as soon as you win a Bafta everyone suddenly wants to work with you. But you’re still the same guy. – Asim Chaudhry
FutureNatureNikola TeslaScienceSpace Modern science says: ‘The sun is the past, the earth is the present, the moon is the future.’ From an incandescent mass we have originated, and into a frozen mass we shall turn. Merciless is the law of nature, and rapidly and irresistibly we are drawn to our doom. – Nikola Tesla
Caroline Lawrence Plot is what happens in your story. Every story needs structure, just as every body needs a skeleton. It is how you ‘flesh out and clothe’ your structure that makes each story unique. – Caroline Lawrence
HappinessJoseph Roux When unhappy, one doubts everything; when happy, one doubts nothing. – Joseph Roux
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