Michael J Saylor The benefit of rich families putting their child through Harvard is always going to exist. But it’s quite evident that there are 700 million peasants in China who are never going to go to Harvard. – Michael J Saylor Benefit Quotes Child Quotes China Quotes Evident Quotes Exist Quotes Families Quotes Harvard Quotes Peasants Quotes Putting Quotes Rich Quotes It’s easy to fall into the trap of assuming that a new technology is very similar to its predecessors. A new technology is often perceived as the linear extension of the previous one, and this leads us to believe the new technology will fill the same roles – just a little faster or a little smaller or a little lighter. The old ways of teaching are slow and expensive. But with mobile, cost plummets, access broadens, and pedagogy rises.
AngerPhan Thi Kim Phuc Through my experiences, I was living with anger and hatred, which was a really bad thing for me. Then I learned how to forgive, and it freed me from hatred and helped me a lot. – Phan Thi Kim Phuc
Edward Zwick Milk’ doesn’t imply that all gay men who stayed in the closet were cowards. – Edward Zwick
Olympia Snowe I understand why so many Americans are fed up with government. The 112th Congress was almost universally derided as the worst ever. It was the most polarized body since the end of Reconstruction, according to one study, and I grew embarrassed by its partisan bickering, inactivity, and refusal to address the vital challenges facing America. – Olympia Snowe
ForgivenessTyler Perry The most important thing that I learned in growing up is that forgiveness is something that, when you do it, you free yourself to move on. – Tyler Perry
Evan Bayh I love working for the people of Indiana. I love helping our citizens make the most of their lives, but I do not love Congress. – Evan Bayh
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