Michael Tubbs As the documentary ‘True Son’ illustrates, my campaign for city council started really small – with eight mostly political neophytes in my living room and with young people knocking on doors. – Michael Tubbs Campaign Quotes City Quotes Council Quotes Documentary Quotes Doors Quotes Illustrates Quotes Knocking Quotes Living Quotes Neophytes Quotes People Quotes Political Quotes Son Quotes Started Quotes TRUE Quotes I harbor no illusion that government and elected office is a panacea for all of society’s ills. I was born and raised in the south side of Stockton, California, to a mother still in high school and a father in a juvenile detention facility.
Lulu Wang Who does get to claim Americanness? You know, my brother was born in this country. And is he seen as American? So, I mean, it brings up a lot of interesting questions. – Lulu Wang
Betty White A lady likes to be complimented on her looks, her eyes, her figure. But the personality comments are much appreciated. – Betty White
Dakota Blue Richards Math is my favorite subject. It’s the universal language. I like the fact that wherever you go in the whole world, two plus two will still be four. – Dakota Blue Richards
Patricia McBride I always had an inferiority complex, like I wasn’t good enough. I was shy. But dancing gave me so much joy, and I was good at it. I felt like a whole person because I could dance. – Patricia McBride
Julian Barratt If you come away from a show thinking of an image, that’s as good as remembering a joke. A lot of those shows, like ‘The Office,’ they are brilliant, but they’re not visually interesting. – Julian Barratt
Alice WalkerDeath Life is better than death, I believe, if only because it is less boring, and because it has fresh peaches in it. – Alice Walker
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