Michaela Coel I see my shows like Gandhi, and I’ve got little baby Gandhis, and they are changing the world. I know that I’m a bit delusional about that, but I do think of them like Gandhi. They are not celebrities: they are like Gandhi and Mother Teresa. – Michaela Coel Baby Quotes Bit Quotes Celebrities Quotes Changing Quotes Delusional Quotes Gandhi Quotes Gandhis Quotes Mother Quotes Teresa Quotes When I think of the things that I want to write, I can never say them out loud because I know how crazy they sound. I know what things sound like when you haven’t actually worked on the script, so I don’t go around saying some of these ideas because they just sound awful. I over-write!
Anthony Weiner It’s also very important in Latin America. If we can deal with the drug problem there, some of their strife there, it’s less likely we have immigration problems here. – Anthony Weiner
Octavio Paz The minority of Mexicans who are aware of their own selves do not make up a closed or unchanging class. They are the only active group, in comparison with the Indian-Spanish inertia of the rest, and ever day they are shaping the country more and more into their own image. – Octavio Paz
Jeremy Lin I absolutely would not have liked playing in Spain or somewhere like that, so I was just gonna do it a year. Then I was gonna be done. – Jeremy Lin
Nigel Farage When people stand up and talk about the great success that the EU has been, I’m not sure anybody saying it really believes it themselves anymore. – Nigel Farage
Greg Vaughan I put myself through school working at Sound Warehouse, rebuilding lawn mowers for my uncle, installing security systems in the summer heat. Not fun. – Greg Vaughan
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