Michelangelo Antonioni In Blow-up I used my head instinctively! – Michelangelo Antonioni Blowup Quotes Head Quotes Instinctively Quotes I meant exactly what I said: that we are saddled with a culture that hasn’t advanced as far as science. Scientific man is already on the moon, and yet we are still living with the moral concepts of Homer.
Nellie Melba The first rule in opera is the first rule in life: see to everything yourself. – Nellie Melba
Gary Lineker In terms of politics, I just look at people’s policies, and sometimes I agree with something, sometimes I won’t. – Gary Lineker
Anne-Marie Duff Oh, I must be ambitious, mustn’t I? I’m sure I always have been. I think you can only get away with pretending you’re not for so long. After that, it becomes ridiculous. – Anne-Marie Duff
Amanda Redman I am very like my mum in lots of ways. I find myself saying things she said all the time. We always had fights – we’re both very opinionated – but I miss her terribly. – Amanda Redman
Misha Green In horror, there’s a level of anxiety that your life can be taken at any moment. That’s the Black experience. – Misha Green
Adam Thielen It’s frustrating when you don’t feel like you help the team like you should, but at the end of the day there’s going to be ups and downs and it’s how you react. – Adam Thielen
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