Mike Colter Cops and criminals aren’t that different. They just play by different sets of rules. And the lines get blurred. There’s no such thing as ‘right’ and ‘wrong.’ There’s always a grey area. There are always hypocrisies. – Mike Colter Blurred Quotes Cops Quotes Criminals Quotes Grey Quotes Hypocrisies Quotes Lines Quotes Play Quotes Rules Quotes Sets Quotes Wrong Quotes Ridley Scott was part of the production team on ‘The Good Wife.’ I auditioned on my iPhone, and it moved very quickly after that, as they thought I was right for the role, and pretty soon I was filming in Iceland for two months. When Barack Obama got elected, I remember being in Harlem specifically. I remember watching that whole part of town just swell. People walked the streets, but it wasn’t a riot – it wasn’t mayhem. It was a unified feeling of euphoria.
Robert Winston We give antibiotics to people when they’re dying or when they’re not well; that’s acting God. I mean, acting God is using the tools of creation to try and improve human life, human existence. I don’t think that that’s a huge problem. – Robert Winston
Jasper Carrott After leaving school, I got a job in a department store not dissimilar to Grace Bros in ‘Are You Being Served?’ – Jasper Carrott
Kelly Rowland You know how the Beatles broke off – they all did their solo projects and they came back together and they were even stronger! – Kelly Rowland
David Starkey The wives of Henry VIII are too big to be left to chick lit. Their importance is the impact they have on the broad history of the period. On the lives of every man and every woman who lived in England then, and subsequently has lived in England. – David Starkey
Salt Bae In New York, there are many steakhouses. We would like to show that Nusr-et is different than the others in service, meat quality, and connection with the customers. – Salt Bae
Rob Halford You’ve got to be able to compromise in a band; otherwise, somebody’s more important than the next guy, and that’s never been the case in Priest. – Rob Halford
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