Mike Lee You can do a lot of damage if you try to answer a question part-way. – Mike Lee Answer Quotes Damage Quotes Lot Quotes Partway Quotes Question Quotes I’m someone who has a hard time turning down a conversation. And an even harder time starting a conversation and ending it abruptly – ending it before it’s over.
Chuck Close You don’t have to have a great art idea – just get to work and something will happen. So that’s pretty much my modus operandi and pretty much my principal position, such as it is. – Chuck Close
Josh Dallas British acting is undoubtedly based in text, and American acting relies more on behavior. That’s speaking very generally. – Josh Dallas
Brendan Hunt The fact that Americans do have this ingrained optimism, even against a lot of actual information about how things work, is not that bad of a quality. You know, I think it is one of our better qualities. – Brendan Hunt
Grover Norquist Spending is not caring. Spending is what politicians do instead of caring. Spending more does not guarantee success. Politicians like to measure spending because it is easier than measuring actual metrics of accomplishment. – Grover Norquist
Harry ConnickJr When I did the album for ‘When Harry Met Sally,’ I found myself out there in front of this big band, which I had no idea how to do, and they wiped the floor with me. It’s a very specific skill, and I didn’t know how to do it. – Harry Connick, Jr
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