Mike Portnoy There’s been a lot of crossing paths with the Yes camp over the years for me. The first one was when Dream Theater and Yes toured together in 2004, which was a lot of fun. – Mike Portnoy Camp Quotes Crossing Quotes Dream Quotes Fun Quotes Lot Quotes Paths Quotes Theater Quotes Toured Quotes My love for Yes is pretty well-documented. When you’re putting together a concept album, it’s all about the flow and the story.
Art Bell Is time our invention, or is time a real thing… I realize we’re measuring it, but in the cosmic scheme of things, is there really time? – Art Bell
Danny Amendola I’m just trying to build a rapport with whoever is calling the play. That’s my job. – Danny Amendola
LoveMichael Sorrentino The secret ingredient to every meal is love. And also garlic. – Michael Sorrentino
FamilyWinnie Harlow My parents separated before I was born, but they remained friends, so I was close to both sides of my family, with siblings and cousins and godparents. I’ve had the same best friend since grade six. – Winnie Harlow
Juan Williams As President Obama is inaugurated for a second time, the biggest political surprise is that gun control is now key to his political legacy. – Juan Williams
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