Molly Yeh It’s never been my goal to create something that is found on the internet elsewhere. I only want to create things that are new. – Molly Yeh Create Quotes Goal Quotes Internet Quotes I don’t want to take up space with another avocado toast. The culture of home cooking is so strong.
Lionel Shriver A manuscript under way always gave me something to do; only while enduring the aimlessness between books was I truly glum. – Lionel Shriver
DadRachel Shenton Dad could speak with a strong voice. And luckily, he was very good at lip-reading, so he was able to disguise his deafness well. He tried various hearing aids but would find them fiddly and uncomfortable, and worse, they often made horrible high-pitched noises. – Rachel Shenton
Simon Wiesenthal For your benefit, learn from our tragedy. It is not a written law that the next victims must be Jews. It can also be other people. – Simon Wiesenthal
Michael Socha I was never on the side of the teachers at school. Even though I put all the work into getting the main role in the end-of-year musical when I was 11, they didn’t give it me, even though they knew I should have had it. That sort of drove me into am dram and getting the main part in another production. And I did. – Michael Socha
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