Molly Shannon Mary Katherine Gallagher is an exaggerated version of me, how I felt when I was little. – Molly Shannon Exaggerated Quotes Gallagher Quotes Katherine Quotes Mary Quotes Version Quotes I used to watch ‘SNL’ when I was babysitting, after I put the kids to bed. It was the Gilda Radner and Bill Murray era. I loved it.
Booger McFarland I just know that if you put my film on with anybody else’s in the league, it’ll measure up. – Booger McFarland
Fiona Apple I just tend to do things to myself that I don’t realize I’m doing. Sometimes I bite my lip so that it splits and hurts, and yet I can’t stop. And sometimes I’d play shows on the last run, I’d scratch my neck while I was singing, and I’d horrified to see these red streaks of blood after. – Fiona Apple
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