Morris Dees Rarely in my 45 years as a civil rights lawyer have I been so angry about an injustice as I am about what happened to Billy Ray Johnson. – Morris Dees Angry Quotes Billy Quotes Civil Quotes Happened Quotes Injustice Quotes Johnson Quotes Lawyer Quotes Rarely Quotes Ray Quotes Rights Quotes Our supporters can send the message that it’s wrong for politically connected corporations to make millions while people doing an honest day’s work are being cheated out of an honest day’s pay. She was in a difficult position being the widow of a great American hero, a role that carried high expectations but she did a credible job of continuing Dr King’s dream especially in the face of a changing and often hostile American public.
Ethel Barrymore When life knocks you to your knees, and it will, why, get up! If it knocks you to your knees again, as it will, well, isn’t that the best position from which to pray? – Ethel Barrymore
Nikita Dutta I adore every anchor I watch or I am standing next to. It’s not the most easy job being live while you have countless instructions to follow. So, immense respect for each one out there. – Nikita Dutta
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