Nathan Hale I wish to be useful, and every kind of service necessary to the public good becomes honorable by being necessary. – Nathan Hale Honorable Quotes Public Quotes Service Quotes Shun all vice, especially card playing. I greatly fear some of America’s greatest and most dangerous enemies are such as think themselves her best friends.
Dmitri Alperovitch If someone stole your keys to encrypt the data, it didn’t matter how secure the algorithms were. – Dmitri Alperovitch
Donna Douglas I speak for a lot of church groups, youth groups, schools, colleges and do personal appearances. I’ve done conventions and trade shows. A lot of different little hats. – Donna Douglas
Montel Williams When it comes to exercise, everybody has to find what works for them. I watch my body. I look at myself in the mirror once a week – not because I’m vain, but I’m looking for moles and changes in my body. – Montel Williams
Edward Brooke My campaign confirmed my belief that although there are bigots in America, whose hateful rhetoric seizes the media’s attention, the vast majority of people do not harbor such prejudice. – Edward Brooke
Kalidou Koulibaly I grew up in a town in France called Saint-Die, where there were many immigrants – Senegalese, Morrocans, Turks. My parents came from Senegal. My father came first, actually. He was a lumberjack. Yes, a real French lumberjack. – Kalidou Koulibaly
George W Bush When I take action, I’m not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt. It’s going to be decisive. – George W Bush
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