Nicholas Stern As an undergraduate, I did maths and physics. That doesn’t make me a scientist. So I try to read and understand and talk to scientists. – Nicholas Stern Maths Quotes Physics Quotes Read Quotes Scientist Quotes Scientists Quotes Talk Quotes Undergraduate Quotes Understand Quotes The greenhouse effect is something you can observe experimentally – and most people have observed the greenhouse effect themselves, in greenhouses. Yes? If coal is going to be used, the only response – because it is the dirtiest of all fuels – is that we have to learn how to do carbon capture and storage and we have to learn how to do it quickly on a commercial scale.
Stephen Karam To be totally honest, I thought I would have a Broadway debut in the distant, distant future, maybe in my 60s or 70s when somebody revived one of my off-Broadway plays with a star. – Stephen Karam
Agnes Smedley What a couple. I’m consumed into ashes. And he’s always raking up the ashes and setting them on fire again. – Agnes Smedley
Jeff Daniels I love the theater, but if I had to choose, I would choose a film at this time in my life. Something meaty, to sink my teeth into. – Jeff Daniels
AloneHilaire Belloc Is there no Latin word for Tea? Upon my soul, if I had known that I would have let the vulgar stuff alone. – Hilaire Belloc
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