Nick Castle The idea of acting on the first ‘Halloween’, it didn’t really apply to my eventual work, working with actors. – Nick Castle Acting Quotes Actors Quotes Apply Quotes Eventual Quotes Halloween Quotes Idea Quotes A producer friend of mine from film school had read some of my early screenplays – some experiments I had done to see how fast I could write something. Actually, the most difficult time I had was not in the mask. The first time you see ‘Michael Myers’, he doesn’t have his mask yet, and he’s jumping onto the back of a car. from the insane asylum.
Gillian Flynn Libraries are filled with stories on generations of brutal men, trapped in a cycle of aggression. I wanted to write about the violence of women. – Gillian Flynn
Louis Farrakhan Not that I regret saying what I believed to be the truth, but I regret anything that I might have written or spoken that could have been used in a way to help to foster that atmosphere out of which came the loss of life of Brother Malcolm. – Louis Farrakhan
James Charles I think it’s so important to love who you are and be comfortable in your own skin. – James Charles
Sean Scully I think that I make chords when I paint, so I think you would be listening to the cello. It’s deep, and it’s resonant. A lot of people have compared me to Brahms – that slightly melancholic sensuality that’s highly structured. Well, that describes my work right there. – Sean Scully
Naomi Being able to travel across the world and meet all the different fans is super rewarding. – Naomi
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