Nikitin Dheer I’m doing films in the south since they give me ample scope for performance and the industry is also quite organised. The roles I’m offered match my personality. – Nikitin Dheer Ample Quotes Films Quotes Industry Quotes Match Quotes Offered Quotes Organised Quotes Performance Quotes Personality Quotes Roles Quotes Scope Quotes South Quotes I think everyone has their own quality and maybe doing action movies could be mine. I have experienced the same satisfaction and professionalism in both the mediums.
Sharon Salzberg In a single moment we can understand we are not just facing a knee pain, or our discouragement and our wishing the sitting would end, but that right in the moment of seeing that knee pain, we’re able to explore the teachings of the Buddha. What does it mean to have a painful experience? What does it mean to hate it, and to fear it? – Sharon Salzberg
Siddhartha Mukherjee I once set myself a deadline: half a chapter a week, 20 minutes a day. The thought froze me instantly, like literary Botox. I returned to my non-schedule: sleeping, writing 20 minutes, and then back to sleep. Breakfast in bed, with juice congealing on the sill: pages and pages began to pour out again. – Siddhartha Mukherjee
Ellen Wong What does it mean to be a superhero? We’re all fighting for the better good. But, at the same time, I think what stands out is, as superheroes, you don’t give up; you don’t surrender. I think that’s what makes a superhero. – Ellen Wong
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